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Varun Brahmadin's Documentation

Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.

Chapter 4.

Chapter 5.

Chapter 6.

Chapter 7.

Chapter 8.

Chapter 9.

Chapter 10.

Chapter 11.

Chapter 12.

Chapter 13.

<h1> chapter 10. Interface & Application Programming </h1>

Wk 1
[x] Setup Dev Environment for ESP32 S2
[x] Setup NodeJS Dev Environment on your PC
[ ] Explain the HackOmation quadrant in relation to your final project.
[x] Build UI mockups for your FInal Project and HTML Layout
Wk 2
[x] Build HTML5 Chat app
Draw mockup / layout
frame and add id’s to <div>’s
Style the page and
wire up the JS code and understand
Wk 3
[ ] Build Chat app back-end NodeJS
Build NodeJS server side to:
host your ChatApp (Express static HTML)
Build / test API endpoints (for: users & messages)
Wk 4
[ ] Setup MongoDB datastore & connect via NodeJS
Setup MongoDB datastore + mongoose ODM (Object-Document-Manager)
Store and recall message data using an API (ex. request top 100 msg)
Wire up MongoDB to API endpoints
Update app-flow to use back-end for Users and “old” messages
Wk 5
[ ] Create data-bound widgets to display sensor data
On ESP32 add MQTT client + ArduinoJSON
Send Sensor data to MQTT server (as a JSON object)
Create a DataCard, a Gauge and a time Chart widget on Dashboard (use chat app)
Strategy on DataBinding and Widget updating (Last updated)
User Login/Pw (state persistence)
[x] Add Screenshots and description of the process of creating your board.
[x] Describe the design & programming steps
[x] Screenshots or video of your Prototype/app working
[x] Describe any errors or problems with the process and how you fixed them.
[x] Include all the files you created for download.

10.1 Build HTML5 Chat app

So our objective was to build a chat app with a mqtt server. We first started by installing mqtt lens so we can connect to a public server. After that we made our mockups(pic 1) and put the drawings into code. After that we connected to the mqtt server with javascript, to make sure we had a connection. After that it was just adding functions and building a front end for it. After I connected to the mqtt server(pic2), I could send and receive messages(pic3). I worked on the front end and styled it with css(pic 4)

Here we have my mockup


After that we build our app with just the tags and the basic setup and connected it with a basic script.

After we had connected to the mqtt server, It was just a matter of styling and building extra features,
In the first picture, i have already connect to the mqtt server, but i couldnt send messages. Was a coding error, but it got fixed pretty soon

In the second picture, I can now write from the chat app and also read, So i had the basics covered

In the last pic i just styled it with css


Files & Downloads

  • Chatapp.html
  • Style.css
  • app.js

  • Code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm" crossorigin="anonymous">
    <title>Chatt app</title>
    <!--<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="logo.png"> -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    * {
      box-sizing: border-box;
    body {
      font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    /* Style the header */
    header {
      background-color: #d3d3d3;
      padding: 30px;
      text-align: center;
      font-size: 35px;
      color: white;
    /* Create two columns/boxes that floats next to each other */
    aside {
      float: left;
      width: 15%;
      height: 326px; /* only for demonstration, should be removed */
      background: #ccc;
      padding: 20px;
    /* Style the list inside the menu */
    nav ul {
      list-style-type: none;
      padding: 0;
    article {
      float: left;
      padding: 20px;
      width: 85%;
      height: 326px; /* only for demonstration, should be removed */
    /* Clear floats after the columns */
    section::after {
      content: "";
      display: table;
      clear: both;
    /* Style the footer */
    footer {
      background-color: #777;
      padding: 10px;
      text-align: center;
      color: white;
    /* Responsive layout - makes the two columns/boxes stack on top of each other instead of next to each other, on small screens */
    @media (max-width: 600px) {
      nav, article {
        width: 100%;
        height: auto;
     align: bottom;
    .cinput, select {
      width: 100%;
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      margin: 8px 0;
      display: inline-block;
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
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      width: 100%;
      background-color: #4CAF50;
      color: white;
      padding: 14px 20px;
      margin: 8px 0;
      border: none;
      border-radius: 4px;
      cursor: pointer;
    #submit:hover {
      background-color: #45a049;
    .navbar {
      width: 100%;
      background-color: #555;
      overflow: auto;
    .navbar a {
      float: left;
      padding: 12px;
      color: white;
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      font-size: 17px;
    .navbar a:hover {
      background-color: #000;
    .active {
      background-color: #04AA6D;
    @media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
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    .list-group list-group-flush{
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      margin: 0px 4px;
      cursor: pointer;
      float: left;
    <div class="navbar">
      <a class="active" href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-home"></i> Home</a> 
      <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-search" ></i> Search</a> 
      <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-envelope"></i> Contact</a> 
      <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-user"></i> Login</a>
      <input id ="username" class="usernam" type="text" placeholder="Type a message"></input>
      <button  class="pp" onclick="connect(sendPing())">Ping </button>
      <button class="pp" onclick="sendPong()">Pong </button>
      <button class="con" onclick="connect()">connect </button>
     <div id="userlist"></div> 
       <article id="chatlog">
    <footer >
      <input id ="chatInput" class="cinput" type="text" placeholder="Type a message" onkeydown="sendMsg(this)"></input><br>
    <button id="submit"  onclick="sendMessageButton(getElementById('chatInput').value); getElementById('chatInput').value='';">Submit </button>
    	// Chat app MQTT settings
    	var mqttServer = "ws://";
    	var mqttTopic= "codettes2022";
    	var userName = document.getElementById("username").value ||"Varun";
    	const clientId = 'cb22_' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8)
    	var userList = [];
    //var client ;
    	// Chat app MQTT settings
    	//var mqttServer = "ws://";
    	//var mqttTopic= "codettes2022";
    	//var userName = document.getElementById("username").value ||"Varun";
    	//const clientId = 'cb22_' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8)
    	//var userList = [];
    	const opts = {
    	  keepalive: 30,
    	  clientId: clientId,
    	  protocolId: 'MQTT',
    	  protocolVersion: 4,
    	  clean: true,
    	  reconnectPeriod: 1000,
    	  connectTimeout: 30 * 1000,
    	  will: {
    	    topic: 'WillMsg',
    	    payload: 'Connection Closed abnormally..!',
    	    qos: 0,
    	    retain: false
    	  rejectUnauthorized: false
    	console.log('connecting mqtt client')
    	var client = mqtt.connect(mqttServer, opts);
    	client.on('error', function (err) {
    	client.on('connect', function () {
    	  // Once a connection has been made, make a subscription and send a message.
    	  console.log('client connected:' + clientId)
    	  client.subscribe(mqttTopic, { qos: 0 })
    	  client.publish(mqttTopic, userName + " signed on!", { qos: 0, retain: false })
    	client.on('message', function (topic, message, packet) {
    	  msg = message.toString(); // library delivers  buffer so convert to strig first
    	  console.log("onMessageArrived: "+ msg);
    	  // if it has JSON payload do NOT add to chat
    	  	msgObj = JSON.parse(message.toString()); // t is JSON so handle it how u want
    	  	// if message has Pin of Pong in it send it to the PingPongHandler
    	  	if (Object.keys(msgObj)[0] == "ping"){sendPong();};
    	  	if (Object.keys(msgObj)[0] == "pong"){handlePong(msgObj.pong);}; // pong value is an object!!
    	  	// other handlers for control messages below
    	  }catch {
    	  	document.getElementById("chatlog").innerHTML += "<br> >> " + msg;	
    	client.on('close', function () {
    	  console.log(clientId + ' disconnected')
    	function sendMessageButton(msgtext){
    	  	if (msgtext!=''){
    			var name={varun};
    			client.publish(mqttTopic, userName + " says: " + msgtext+ JSON.stringify(name));	  	
    	// OR listen to the Enter event on n input box
    	function sendMsg(ele) {
    	    if(event.key === 'Enter') {
    			client.publish(mqttTopic, userName + " says: " + ele.value);
    	        ele.value = ""; // reset the input after entering       
    	// --- To manage userlist implement a PING and PONG system ---
    	// Ping will request an "alive sign" from all or any user
    	// Pong function will respond to ping
    	// handlePong pongs in the UI
    	// Ping will be scheduled to run regularly as a KeepAlive signal
    	function sendPing(usr='*'){
    		// ping sends out a message to all (*) or any specific user to respond if ur there
    		var pingObj={ping:usr};
    		client.publish(mqttTopic, JSON.stringify(pingObj));
    	function sendPong(){
    		// sends clientID and UserName in a JSON object (and whatever u need more)
    		var pongObj={pong :{userName : userName, clientId:clientId}};
    		client.publish(mqttTopic, JSON.stringify(pongObj));
    	// function that manages the UserList and other UI stuff related to PingPong
    	function handlePong(pongObj){
    		// Update Userlist with Pongs
    		const index = userList.findIndex(object => {
    		  return object.userName === pongObj.userName;
    		//console.log("index:" + index);
    			console.log("User exists");
    			userList[index] = pongObj;
    		} else{
    	    	console.log("New User " + pongObj.userName);
    	function redrawUserList(){
    		// Generate the userlist HTML
    		var ulist="<ul>";
    		userList.forEach(function (item) {
    		    //var x = arrayItem.prop1 + 2;
    		    ulist+= "<li>"+ item.userName + " <a href='#" + mqttTopic + "/" + item.clientId +"'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-phone'></i></a></li>"
    		document.getElementById("userlist").innerHTML= "<br> >> " + ulist;
    	// to keep connection alive
    	//setInterval(sendPong, 10000); // keeps ponging every 10 secs

    Chapter 7: 3D Printing

    3D Printing is putting layers of a material(filament) on top of each other. The material we use is pla or abs.So we also need to configure our cura for the specific 3d printer.  We are gonna use the Anycubic Predator

    Filament types we can use: PLA, ABS 

    PLA and ABS are both thermoplastics. PLA is stronger and stiffer than ABS, but poor heat-resistance properties means PLA is mostly a hobbyist material. ABS is weaker and less rigid, but also tougher and lighter, making it a better plastic for prototyping applications.

    7.1 Cura

    First we need to install Cura version 5.0.0:

     And just click through it

    Add the Printer

    Go to Settings - Printer - Add Printer

    Add a non-networked printer- Anycubic - Anycubic Predator

    Put Parameters

    These parameters are for PLA on the Anycubic predator

    Settings changed:

     Walls:  Wall thickness: 1.21

    Top/Bottom: Top/Bottom Thickness 1.2


    Printing Temperature: 195

    Build Plate Temperature: 60


    Enable Retraction: check

    These are the parameters. Now we need to adjust them.

    7.2 STL

    I open tinkercad then 3d design and i wrote my name

    Then we go to export - stl

    And save the file as an stl

    7.3 G-Code

    G-Code is the language that the printer understands,  it’s basically just coordinates for the printer nozzle, so it knows where to and what to do, with some more info

    Here we see the time, the amount of filament used, the min and max in all the axes and some more info after that we see the coordinates in the different axes

    Okay next step is stl to gcode

    We can get the stl from tinkercad, when we design and we have to convert it to gcode for the printer

    Okay First we have to load an stl file.  WE go to File->Open File(s)                                        Now that our file is open. We have to scale our print to 104%

    And then lay it flat.

    And then slice it. Now We have the amount of time it’s gonna take and the amount of grams of the filament. Draft

    And now we have to save it as G-code. We click on Save to Disk and then enter the name

    Now we can put it on the sd-card and print it. That’s for next time

    7.4 Printing

    Chapter 3. Business Model Canvas, Pitch & Poster =========================================

    3.1 Objectives

    Wk 1

    3.2 Setup project BMC

    What is BMC ?

     The Business Model Canvas is a template used for developing newand documenting existing ones. It offers a visual chart with elements describing a firm’s or product’s , infrastructure, customers, and finances, assisting businesses to align their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs.

    Canvas were initially proposed in 2005 by Alexander Osterwalder

    In other words its your whole business plan on 1 sheet of paper

    Value proposition: What do u have to offer, What’s so special about your product that the others dont have.

     Ex: Quick response, delivery till home or repairs till home

    Customer Segments: Your target audience,  Who are the people u are selling to.

     Ex: Schools, Hotels but also people with covid for example 

    Channels: How are u gonna reach your customers,  ads and where are you going to place those ads,  

    Ex: Facebook 

    Customer relationships: Make a platform so your customers always come back to you. 

    Ex: custom coding

    Key resources: The things you need to start your product.

     Ex: Tools,  Place to work,  if u have many workers a bus for example

    Key activities: What are do things u need to do, before your product hits the market 

    Ex: Make your own code or platform

    Key partners: The less the better.  Your partners in the product 

    Ex: Telesur

    Cost structure: everything on the key side

    Revenue stream: everything on the customer side

    My Progress 

    My canvas:

    So now i am still playing with canvanizer, So i just put for value a submarine with a service and don’t mind the customer segments

    I presented my bmc and got feedback


    1. Different models

    2. Sensors

    3. enviorment

    4. Location estimate

    5. Lidar

    Customer relationships:

    1. A webapp

    2. Custom parts


    1. A website

    2. Stores

    Customer Segments:

    1. Kids

    2. Researchers

    3.3 Setup project PitchDeck

    3.4 Project poster

    Please use HEADINGS and create some structure in your documentation

    Files & Downloads


    Chapter 4: Freecad ==================

    4.1 Installing freecad and inkscape

    Just run the freecad installer and click through it

    Next run the inkscape installer and click through it

    4.2 Creating a hole in Freecad 

    First we create a new object 

    Create a new object

    Instead of start-> Go to Part Design

    Click on Create sketch

    Select XY_Plate and click on OK

    Go to Create Rectangle and click on it

    And then Draw the rectangle

    After that we need to adjust the length and width of the rectangle to 100mm

    We first go to “Contain horizontal distance”

    And then click on the horizontal side

    then adjust it to 100

    the vertical side And then adjust the width to 100mm

    –till here for creating a pocket—

    After that choose the circle and draw one

    After that click on close in the Task

    After u click on pad there will be a solid layer

    Like this and now you also have a hole through it

    4.3 Creating a pocket 

    You can follow the last documentation and its marked till where

    You just click close and when back u can just click on pad 

    U will have something like this, you can click ok, Select the top and after that you can click on create sketch again

    And you can select the XY_Plane

    After that you will see your solid design and you can draw a circle on it,  for more info on that check chapter 4.2

    Note: The circle may come on the opposite side, but dont worry, just draw it and turn your design

    Here i already have the circle and i turned my design

    You can click on close from here

    And now you can click on pocket and just close it from the task

    The select the circle in the middle so it becomes a different color and click on pocket again

    Then you are left with something like this,  you can adjust the parameters if u want, its on the left side in the combo view in either Model or Task

    4.4 Creating the holes

    First we created a object with 2 holes and 1 pocket

    Parameters i used are: 100mm100mm10mm

    Check the previous paragraphs for that

    After we have that

    U should have a object like this and then go and select Path

    After you selected path go and click on job

    I select body 1,  but i dont think its necessary and then just click on OK

    After that you will see that the purple bubble is on the bottom, you need to bring it to the top, So u have to precisely select the corner above it, in the picture you can see the corner is yellow(a small dot)

    After you have selected the corner, go to Set Orgin and click on it and the click OK

    After that go to ur body and press the space bar to hide it

    After that go to Model Body and press the space bar to activate it

    You will see something like this, after that click on ToolBit Dock

    you will get a window on the right side, go to the top right of it to create a new tool bit

    You will see something like this then, click on Create Toolbit

    Select endmill and click on open

    Here just name it something,  i would recommend the bitsize_endmill.fctb

    Then you will have it added, i opened here an old one of mine by double clicking on it, so i can see the parameters. These are the parameters for the 3mm drill bit

    Then you will see it comes on the list on the right window, you can just select it and it will come on the left side, you can delete the default tool from there then

    Now go to pocket shape 

    Here select cutmode: conventional 

    and pattern: offset

    And check the box of use outline

    Then go to Base geometry 

    And select the inner edge of the pocket, like this 

    Look now it is green, then click on add 

    And now its added

    Then go to depths. Here you also have to adjust the parameters. 

    Start depth: 0.00mm(standard)

    Final depth: -5.00mm(pocket depth)

    Step down: 1.5mm(half of your bit diameter)

    After that click on apply and OK

    Then you can go to CAM Simulator

    And then just click on play 

    and it will simulate making of the pocket for you

    Now the 2 holes, Click on Profile

    Then select inside

    Once here you also have to select the inner edge of the circle and click on Add

    Now the second one, click on the inner edge and click on Add

    Here you can see, both are added

    Go the depth then and change the parameters again: 

    Start depth: 0.00mm

    Final depth:-10.10mm(a bit more then your thickness +0.10mm)

    Step down: 1.5mm(½ of your drill bit diameter)

    Then just click on apply and OK

    THen you can go to cam again but no unselect the Pocket_Show, so it only simulate drilling of the holes

    If you have this then your almost done, i forgot a step

    Double click on your drill bit

    you will come here then

    Hozin.Feed: 240.00mm/s



    And click on OK

    4.5 Cutting the outer edge 

    We will continue on the previous project of ours

    This should have been done the previous time but okay, Go to Job and change the X and Y to 10mm,  Z Stays 0mm

    Click on ok after that

    THen we create a new profile, and select the top of our base and add it

    Then we go to depth and select these values

    Start depth: 0mm

    Final depth: -10.10mm

    Step down: 1.5mm

    And make sure its an outside cut

    Now we have to add tags: What are tags ? to make sure the piece that we cut doesnt start to move around while we are cutting it 

    To add tags. Select the profile first then go to: PAth->Path Dressup->Tag Dress up

    U will see the coordinated and the location of the tags then, you can adjust them if u wanna, but i am gonna leave them as they are

    Then i am gonna simulate it and it should look something like this then

    After that we wanted to try dogbone tags, So we created a rectangle hole and putted the tags in there

    To create a rectangle check my previous documentation

    I am gonna start with the profile for the rectangle

    We have to select all the inner edges 1 by 1, and then add them

    We go to depth

    Starting depth: 0mm

    Final depth: -10.10 mm

    Step down: 1.5 mm

    Make sure its an inside cut

    Then we select the rectangle profile and go to path->path dressup-> dogbone tag

    Then we will see the coordinates, then we can go simulate it

    The little bit in the outer edge is the dogbone

    4.6 Design for the Laser

    The laser doesnt use 3d design like the 3d printer or the stepcraft, So we need a 2d design for it, To make your own design we can use freecad

    We just create a basic square with 2 holes(square) on the sides

      First we create a basic design

    But we need it in 2D, So we go to Draft and then Modification and Shape 2D, Now we have a 2D design and need to export it

    File->Export-> save as a Flattend SVG

     After we have the design we need to CAM it

    For that we can use inkscape


    We can also use makerspace to design a box or something

    First we select the type of box, i will take basic box

    Select milimeters, and the parameters and the rest of the things, those depend

    and then select download box plans,  go to line formatting then and select cut line width is 0.2 

    And then select Kerf and its 0.06 mm

    4.7 Inkscape

    First we launch inkscap and open a New document. 

    Then we need to import our SVG, we go to FIle->import-> and select the SVG

    Then our SVG is imported

    Then we click on the kinda pen icon and open fill and stroke

    We select our object and if we want to cut it,  we make i bright RED(255,0,0)

    If we want a picture engraved on it,  we can do the following 

    We can go to File->Import-> and just select the picture

    Then we have our picture, but this isnt ready for caming yet, so we go to Path-> Trace Bitmap

    Then we will get something like this, ust click on update

    and if the picture isnt clear just up the Threshold and when good, just click on Apply

    Now both pictures are in one, we can just delete the old one and adjust the new one

    Like this 

    Then we can Go to FIll and stroke again, but to fill this time and fill it with another color

    Then we can save the file, just go to File-> Save as-> and just put ink after the name

    Chapter 5:  CNCC ================

    5.1: Stepcraft

    We had to design something related to our final project to cnc, so i designed the magnet holder for my submarine

    Just 4 pockets in a circle

    The diameter of the magnet is 16mm, and the whole diameter is 80 mm.

    After that we open the uccnc  stepcraft_840

    We first press on reset to connect to the stepcraft. And load the uccnc file.

    We need to change the feet speed to F1000.000

    I can’t demonstrate after this with pictures, But i will try to explain

    we need to secure our stock to the stepcraft and then

    We now have to move the drill bit over our design to check if it will fit 

    and need to set our null points, of the Z the null point is on the stock itself. 

    Then we need to put the drill bit on 

    and the vacuum to make sure it doesn’t get dusty.


    5.2 Laser

    Now we are gonna work with the Laser. 

    Under here we have the parameters for the laser















    Slot width

    Material-2* kerf



    Line width


    Kerf: (the Thickness of the laser beam when its gonna cut,so have to adjust our design to make sure we get the perfect cut) 

    Power: The power of the laser

    Speed: The speed which the laser moves with

    For that we need a 2D design, We can use Freecad or makerspace.

    1. Fill the laser with water on the backside, make sure there is no air in it

    2. And we also adjust the height of the laser 

    3. Turn on the laser controller, NOT THE LASER

    This is the laser controller, on this we can see all the details that we need,

    So this is it for the laser, basics, lets get into using it

    First we need a design, Check chapter 4.6 and 4.7 For that

    Then we open lightburn and import the files, File->import->select the SVG

    Put the whole design in the top right corner and as u can see, there is no red color, i made a mistake in the inkscape then, but no worries, BLACK is cutting and GREEN is engraving then, First make sure the cutting color is always on the bottom, 

    LIke this 

    For engraving these parameters are correct, Power 20% and speed 70

    For cutting the parameters need to be, Power 70% speed 10

    If all is correct, just click on send

    This is the laser controller, on this we can see all the details that we need,

    Chapter 6: Electronic design  =============================

    So now we have to make our own arduino or yeah bord using a microcontroller unit(mcu)

    For that we use kicad, So how do we begin

    First we of course have to download kicad and some libraries. Then we need to install kicad 

    6.1 installation and setup 

     And just click through

    Then we can take those libraries from the zip and import it in 

    C:\Program Files\KiCad\6.0\lib\kicad

    After that we can open kicad click on new project and create one

    And we select schematic view

    And we should get something like this

    First we need to import our libraries before we can continue

    We go to Preferences-> Manage symbol libraries

    We add a new row

    Then select browse

    Go to C:\Program Files\KiCad\6.0\lib\kicad and select fab.lib

    Okay now we also need to import the libraries to annotate 

    We click on Run footprint assignment tool 

     We click on Preferences-> Manage libraries and click on new and browse

    This time just select the folder fab_pretty and click on select folder

    That is it for the installation and setup of the environment

    Now to the real work

    6.2 Schematic 

    First we have to import everything 

    Components that we are gonna use are 











    Once you have everything on the schematic board its time to connect them

    And we could use this picture as reference, i wont go on how to connect each wire, but start small, i started on the left side and connect one by one, you cant rush this or you will make mistakes

    But okay, once everything is connected or wired up, we need to assign footprints 

    Click on Run footprint assignment tool and then annotate and once here, you can go to fab on the left and the list will pop up on the right, from there select the prints as in here and then click on apply,save & continue. If everything is right, nothing will happen or pop up 

    Then go to file-> Export-> Netlist  and click on export netlist

    then click on the green icon on the top righty, open pcb in board editor

    6.3 PCB board editor 

    Welcome to the PBC BOARD EDITOR, also knows as HELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO to File-> Import-> Netlist, Then select the file, click on load en test and then update PCB

    THEN you will be stuck with this mess

    I cant guide you how to fix this, its a puzzle, you just need to puzzle it out, but here are a few tips

    First move everything out of the way and keep the io’s and position them around the board, rotate them etc. Now you have this, much simpler

    And now connect the io’s and bring back the other stuff  and spread them apart, now its just a game of connecting and playing around

    In the end i had this 

    And now we have to continue with it

    Chapter 12: Final Project  =============================

    Final documentation

    So for my final project, I am building a submarine, So how did i get started and what did to get here as of today its 20-1-2023 10 0 clock at night, So i jumped blindly into this and i had no idea how submarines even work, so i started research on that and found out they work with ballast tanks, So air is lighter then water,so when there is water in the tank the submarine is heavier and sinks but when there is air in the tank the submarine is lighter, So now my problem, since i am not gonna build a really big submarine, i have around 1kg to play around with or 10N, Almost nothing. Second thing is Communication, i know that wifi signals dont work underwater, so what now, RADIO,

    Physical Build

    But first things first, i can put communication on a hold for a sec, but the ballast tanks are more important, So lets get building i would say

    Ballast tanks

    1. research

    2. Shopping

    3. Logic/ building


    So how do the ballast tanks work, Well from the videos i watched,Most of them fake i found real one it looks like they used a syringe, and something to move it somehow

    So the problem with this is, that is it a moving part inside a closed space, not that much of an issue, but it has to like extend to the back, so that part kept me busy for a long time. 


    But i took a bolt and put it against a wall and saw that if i rotate it around its axis, the bolt it self stays in the same place, but the nut on the bolt, moves itself, so there i had my answer, i had to make the moving part of the syringe the nut and the rest of it the bolt to say so.

    2. So first i bought a like rod on which a nut could like walk and a bunch on nuts and i ordered the syringe from amazon

    3. So after that i started building with the help of my dad, we did it in like an hour, so we didn’t really have any pics of the building, but we have a video of the end result

    Final troubleshooting: 

    But 2 things that i saw after the build was done is that, i need a fast and high torque motor. Not two of the best combination, but we were using a drill to test the syringe, so i had a broken drill lying around, so i took it apart and used that motor for the pump

    So i tried controlling my motor with the l298n, but something was burning, so i turned it off, for the final that i have now, is my ballast tank that i can control with a drill, not the most iot way, but something and here is my final prototype


    So to hold the syringe in the pipe i also have created a design in freecad and lasered it once, 

    First i had to measure the diameter of the syringe which is 70mm and the diameter of the pipe is 102mm, So i created my design in freecad

    So it looks something like this.

    So thats for the ballas tanks, Now the movement

    I still haven’t figured that out and i am kinda lost on that part, So i am still brainstorming on that



    So thats that for the physical build, now software based

    So my whole submarine will be controlled by a webapp, now lets see how far i got

    So i first build the basic movements in the app,

    As you can see i have a basic front,back,left, right and its a sub, so also up and down

     And it can call a function on my esp32

    But i notices that it is giving me trouble, so i think imma need to use an arduino, but i wanted to try the esp32 one more time, so i am gonna test that tomorrow and give the results, and i also updated my dashboard a bit, caused it looked boring

     A bit better i would say, simple enough to understand tho.

    So thats the code part.

    So here under i put the research links, every website i visited and got something off in here, 

    Pictures, videos, documentation, research of other people

    Ballast tanks

    Check list: Build ballast tanks


    And here under i did some calculations, didn’t work out tho, but still

    Submarine calculations: 



         = 10N
    Fw= pgv

        = 1.10.1m3

    Oppervlakte cylinder= πr.r.h

    1= 3.14.r.r.0.5


    r=0.8m= 80cm





    Fb = Vs × D × g

    fw= 0.0157110= 0.517N


     Total weight: 180+100+200+37+200= 717g


          0.717.10= 7.17 N
